Header trainee

Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Hamburg (DE) - Portsmouth (UK)

23 August - 28 August 2014

5 days, Stad Amsterdam

From € 1125,-

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Sail Training

Normal price: € 1125,-

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Stad Amsterdam:
Hamburg (DE) - Portsmouth (UK)

23 August - 28 August 2014

Adventurous sailing between two unique European cities! Open to all ages, minimum age 15 years!


  • "It was cozy and comfortable, but hard work and exciting."

    Keshan (17), UK

You sail on the Stad Amsterdam

Shipping type: Clipper
Homeport: Amsterdam (NL)
Date built: 2000
Length: 76 m
Height of mast: 46,25 m
Sail: 2200 m2

A modern Clipper. Imagine yourself on a 19th century clipper when you board Stad Amsterdam, a modern version of the fast merchant ships of bygone days. The 60 metre long wooden deck, the high masts, the many yards and hundreds …

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Windseeker logs

  • On the Right Course

    Gulden Leeuw, 2017 Rendez-Vous Tall Ships Regatta

    Atlantic Crossing from Halifax to Le Havre

    – by Anna (mentor's notes)

      Aug 2nd 2017   Second Day at Sea Today we have started hauling a smaller vessel, Peter von Danzig – we are currently expecting to go on motor for 2 days before the race will resume. The evening was much calmer than yesterday …

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  • Almost Home


    Cape Verde - Netherlands

    – by crew Oosterschelde

    In a way we’re having bad luck: the English Channel is an area with a lot of traffic. Unfortunately we cannot see it. On our last day at sea the temperature dropped till 7 degrees (above zero, fortunately) and the …

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  • Dolphins
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