Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!
Tall Ships Races @nl
25 : € 890,-
> 25 : € 1690,-
04 July - 17 July 2015
Vaar mee met Alexander von Humboldt en haar bemanning tijdens de eerste leg van de Tall Ships Race 2015 en beleef het avontuur van je leven. Race van Belfast naar Alesund en sluit vriendschappen met sail trainees van over de hele wereld. Samen zeilen jullie het schip zo scherp als jullie kunnen. Ondertussen geniet je van spectaculaire uitzichten op de Schotse eilanden en van de open einder op de altijd onvoorspelbare Noordzee. De Tall Ships Race is de grootste zeilrace van het jaar, dus zet je schrap en reik naar de finish! Het wordt een reis om nooit meer te vergeten. En eenmaal in Alesund kun je rekenen op een epische crew party!Voor Windseekers van 15 – 25 jaar (25+ op aanvraag)
"I learned that it's never too late to find a new passion in life."
Morgenster, July 2018
Being a trainee on board a tall ship is an experience you can’t compare with everyday life. This is my short article about how it is to sail with the Morgenster before and during the Tall Ships Races. We all met …
Read log
The seas were pretty rough. Quite a lot of people were feeling seasick, but the general atmosphere onboard was very positive. We saw a lot of dolphins. The Estonian Mentor Mihkel offered a class in navigation at the change of …
Read log10 April - 30 April 2025
From Patagonia to Polynesia: cruising on the Pacific Ocean. Board Tecla is Puerto Montt, in the Lake District of Chile. Depending on weather and wind, a plan will be made for the first few days. This may include one or …
18 April - 21 April 2025
Embark on a captivating Easter weekend journey aboard the Eendracht. Sail out of Rotterdam and explore the scenic coast of the Netherlands. Leave the daily worries behind, and disconnect for a few days, enjoying the peacefulness of life at sea. …
22 April - 19 July 2025
One voyage, two oceans, and countless unforgettable experiences! Join the Picton Castle as it sails from Nova Scotia, Canada, to the iconic Galapagos Islands, with stops in the Caribbean gems of Anguilla and Bonaire, and a passage through the Panama …