Harlingen is a trade and fishing port in Friesland, the Netherlands. The town itself is over a thousand years old, and you’ll find several historic streets in the old city centre. Its small size makes it easy to explore the town on foot. In 2014 Harlingen was a port of call for the Tall Ships Races. The town operates ferry lines to the Frisian Islands, a unique nature reserve with populations of seals, birds, and other wildlife. With its ‘gezellige’ pubs the town is a great place for a stopover.
Bremerhaven is one of the most important German ports, playing a crucial role in Germany's trade. The town was founded in 1827, but settlements in the vicinity were settled as early as the 12th century. The main attractions for tourists are found at the Havenwelten and include the German Emigration Center and the German Maritime Museum, featuring the Hansekogge, a vintage cog dating from 1380, excavated in Bremen in 1962, and the historical harbour with a number of museum ships.