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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Varna (BG) - Laurium (GR)

03 October - 12 October 2016

9 days, Atyla

From € 395,-

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Sail Training

Normal price: € 395,-

Book this journey

Varna (BG) - Laurium (GR)

03 October - 12 October 2016

From Varna ATYLA will sail down the Bosphorus Straight, passing Istanbul, the capital of Turkey, before joining the Turkish Sea of Marmara. From there you will cruise through the Dardanelles Straight and into the Greek Aegean Sea. Open for all ages, minimum age 15 years.


Varna is Bulgaria's biggest city on the Black Sea coast and a popular tourist destination, university center and port. The famous necropolis belonging to the Varna Culture is dated to 5 000 years bc. With such long hisotry it's no wonder the city is full of museums, including Varna Archaeological Museum founded in 1888, Naval Museum and Natural History Museum. Once your head gets full of history, you can relax on beautiful sandy beach or take a refreshing stroll in the Primorski Park.

Laurium is a picturesque Greek town with great atmosphere and ancient ruins at each turn. Visit the archeological museum for artifacts dating back to 5 000 BC or the Mineralogical Museum to see traces of the town's mining history. Sit at one of the local tavernas and enjoy seafood while looking over the marina

  • Varna (BG)

  • Laurium (GR)


Key points

  • Dates: 3 October 2016 - 12 October 2016
  • Embarkation: 12:00 / Disembarkation: 12:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum of 18
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • One-off registration fee €25
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: towels
  • Windseekers from the Netherlands need to become member of STAN
  • Contact your fellow-Windseekers via Windseeker facebook
  • You will sleep in a hammock
  • "You have to try it! You will get to know a side of you that you didn’t think you had. I learned a lot, and I became more independent after this trip!"

    Amalie (20)

You sail on the Atyla

Shipping type: Schooner
Homeport: Bilbao (ES)
Date built: 1980-1984
Trainees: 15
Length: 31.3m
Height of mast: 25 m
Sail: 400m2

The Atyla is a true Spanish ship! She boasts the magnificent-looking, hand carved wooden elements, with the great entourage. To relax, enjoy the leather seating in the saloon where you can listen to the crew's stories from far-away seas. In …

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Windseeker logs

  • Fun day out with friends

    Wadden Sea, October 2020

    All photos courtesy of BTOWU

    – by Nienke

    Besides providing us with super awesome, smart, science people to ensure the high quality of the sustainability side of our Exchange programs, By the Ocean we Unite also organize their own things. Like ‘citizen science’ day trips, during which folks …

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  • Wylde Swan

    Endless Ocean Views

    Wylde Swan, 14 October - 21 November

    Sailing from Harlingen to Tenerife. On board: crew and trainees

    – by Jeske Zijlstra, Deckhand

    After a night of playing with the anchor, it's time to set sail again. Without any sleep, we're preparing the Ship for strong backwinds and high waves. For Barry (the small sail) it’s the perfect time to show up. Carefully putting …

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  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet