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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Scheveningen (NL) - Vlissingen (NL)

16 August - 23 August 2014

7 days, Eendracht

From € 450,-

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Sail Training

Normal price: € 450,-

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Scheveningen (NL) - Vlissingen (NL)

16 August - 23 August 2014

Sail on board the 60-meter sailing vessel Eendracht, and experience a voyage with lots of action, fun and adventure! 15-25 years only!


  • "What an incredible thing to be a part of! So many people from so many backgrounds being brought together by a shared experience and bonded like no other experience could."

    Cody (23), Australia

You sail on the Eendracht

Shipping type: Three-masted Schooner
Homeport: Rotterdam (NL)
Date built: 1989
Trainees: 39
Length: 58,1m
Height of mast: 44,7m
Sail: 1033 m2

Adventure, action and fun await on board of the largest three masted-schooner of the Netherlands! The Eendracht's focus is especially on youngsters, but anybody is welcome to sail along. Whatever you choose, you're always contributing to a good cause. The …

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Windseeker logs

  • Statsraad Lehmkul

    The Best Two Weeks of my Life!

    Statsraad Lehmkuhl, July 2016

    Antwerp - Lisbon

    – by Windseeker Manon

    The moment right before I began my sailing adventure I had a lot of fears and doubts. I have saved money for so long and I have worked really hard for it. What if I did not like the meals? …

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  • A Human Adventure

    Morgenster, June 2018

    Dublin, Ireland to Bordeaux, France

    – by Mentor Robin and Trainee Agathe

    Robin Gatel (Mentor, 21 years old) I participated as a mentor to the Three Festivals Tall Ships Regatta 2018 from Dublin to Bordeaux on board the Morgenster. I was assigned to the red watch which was on deck from 8 to …

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  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet