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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Falmouth - Greenwich

30 August - 04 September 2014

From € 650,-

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Tall Ships Races @nl

25 years: € 650,-
> 25 years: € 750,-

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Falmouth - Greenwich

30 August - 04 September 2014

1 PLEK BESCHIKBAAR Zeil mee tijdens de Tall Ships Regatta van Falmouth, waar een spectaculaire sail out met vele tall ships zal plaatsvinden, naar het tall ships festival in Greenwich!


  • "I learned a lot about both sailing and sustainability, and the social life was amazing."

    Thea (20), Denmark

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Windseeker logs

  • Mentoring on The Maybe

    Maybe, July 2017

    – by Killian Borland (17)

    I was a youth volunteer on The Maybe for the month of June 2017. It was an experience that I will never forget. I loved every minute of it. One of the best things about sailing on The Maybe is that …

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  • On the Right Course

    Gulden Leeuw, 2017 Rendez-Vous Tall Ships Regatta

    Atlantic Crossing from Halifax to Le Havre

    – by Anna (mentor's notes)

      Aug 2nd 2017   Second Day at Sea Today we have started hauling a smaller vessel, Peter von Danzig – we are currently expecting to go on motor for 2 days before the race will resume. The evening was much calmer than yesterday …

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  • Dolphins
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