Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!
Tall Ships Races @nl
25 : € 1340,-
> 25 : € 1340,-
17 July - 27 July 2015
Geen plaatsen meer beschikbaar – Ga op ontdekkingsreis langs de Noorse Fjorden, aan boord van de Lord Nelson tijdens de Cruise in Company van de Tall Ships Races 2015. Je zeilt met de Tall Ship-vloot van de Noorse haven Alesund naar Kristiansand. Onderweg vind je schilderachtige havenplaatsjes, spectaculaire rotswanden, duizend meter diepe baaien en meer. Dikke kans op een strandbarbecue! Je helpt mee het schip door de fjorden en tussen eilanden door te navigeren – zeil zetten, klimmen in de tuigage (als je durft) en klusjes boven- en benedendeks. Trainees en crew bij de Tall Ships Race 2014 waren enthousiast over de Fjorden; we kijken er naar uit ze opnieuw aan te doen. En bij aankomst in Kristiansand wacht de crew party! Voor Windseekers vanaf 16 jaar.
"I felt like a free human. Everything I did felt so good."
Morgenster Exchange@sea, July 2019
We present to you: the logbook for the Youth Exchange ‘Exploring Coastal Waters’. This is a written account by participants and mentors Sija & Meri, who were in charge of this matter. It tells the story of our time on …
Read logThalassa, July 2021
A report from the plastic research on board In July 2021, The Ocean Movement foundation (TOM; formerly known as By the Ocean We Unite) realized an in-depth program on board of the Tall Ship Thalassa during the Erasmus+ co-funded Windseeker project …
Read log10 April - 30 April 2025
From Patagonia to Polynesia: cruising on the Pacific Ocean. Board Tecla is Puerto Montt, in the Lake District of Chile. Depending on weather and wind, a plan will be made for the first few days. This may include one or …
18 April - 21 April 2025
Embark on a captivating Easter weekend journey aboard the Eendracht. Sail out of Rotterdam and explore the scenic coast of the Netherlands. Leave the daily worries behind, and disconnect for a few days, enjoying the peacefulness of life at sea. …
22 April - 19 July 2025
One voyage, two oceans, and countless unforgettable experiences! Join the Picton Castle as it sails from Nova Scotia, Canada, to the iconic Galapagos Islands, with stops in the Caribbean gems of Anguilla and Bonaire, and a passage through the Panama …