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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Brest (FR) - Falmouth (GB)

07 June - 13 June 2025

6 days, Morgenster

From € 840,-

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Sail Training

p.p. in 4-person cabin: € 840,-
p.p. in 2-person cabin: € 960,-

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Brest (FR) - Falmouth (GB)

07 June - 13 June 2025

Sail Across the Channel: From Brest to Falmouth on the Tall Ship Morgenster. Set sail on an exhilarating journey from the historic French port of Brest to the picturesque harbor of Falmouth aboard the majestic Tall Ship Morgenster. This voyage, open to adventurers of all ages, offers a perfect blend of traditional sailing, breathtaking seascapes, and the thrill of crossing the English Channel. As part of the crew, you’ll work alongside experienced sailors, hoisting sails, steering the ship, and learning the art of navigation. Whether you’re a seasoned mariner or a first-time sailor, this crossing promises an unforgettable maritime experience.
Open to all Windseekers aged 15+


Brest is a major French port on the Atlantic coast, historically of strategic importance. Much of the town was destroyed during World War II, but some historic landmarks remain. Today Brest is an important navy port, so expect to see war ships berthed in the harbor. Every four years, Brest hosts the international festival of the sea, boats and sailors, with many Tall Ships attending. South of Brest you will find national park d’Armorique, a tranquil reserve where you can escape from the city.

Falmouth lies near the southwestern tip of the United Kingdom. It’s a quaint port town, surrounded by grassy hills and forests, and famous for its harbor. Going on a hike here is very rewarding! Sailing is a popular pastime in Falmouth, so don’t be surprised if you’re engaged in a lively discussion on the finer points of navigation over a beer in one of the local pubs. Falmouth has been a kind port to Tall Ships, hosting the Tall Ships Races in 1966, 1982, and 1998.

  • Brest (FR)

Key points

  • Dates: 7 June 2025 - 13 June 2025
  • Embarkation: 17:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum 36
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English and Dutch
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: towels
  • "Sailing on the North Sea by night, watching millions of stars..."

    Mathijn (13), Netherlands

You sail on the Morgenster

Shipping type: Brig
Homeport: Den Helder (NL)
Date built: 1919
Trainees: 35
Length: 48 m
Height of mast: 29 m
Sail: 600 m2

Stop and Stare. This is what Marian and Harry Muter – the owners – had in mind, when people would look upon the Morgenster. And they succeeded. As a result of their refit, the Morgenster is a stunning and elegant …

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Windseeker logs

  • Trainees at the Vega Gamleby

    It feels like we have been out for a lot longer than we actually have

    Vega Gamleby

    Gothenburg - Blyth - Gothenburg

    – by the Trainees

    Logbook trainees Vega Gamleby 2016 Gothenburg-Blyth-Gothenburg Part 2: 25-26 August   25- August-2016 Today we have learned what all the sails and ropes are called, and what they do. We also saw dolphins again and a whale for the first time. We are getting …

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  • This is Where I Belong

    Oosterschelde, 2013

    Sailing from Maurituis to Australia

    – by Hannah Hurford

    When I found out that you could still sail traditional ships I remember thinking: a) this is probably a joke, and b) why have I not done it yet? I had experience sailing on yachts and dinghies but with an interest in naval …

    Read log


  • Trainees
  • Trainee


STO Garant

This Journey is covered by the STO Garant guarantee. You can find the conditions for this guarantee scheme on STO Garant’s website (www.sto-garant.nl/en/downloads).

This process is automatic and you do not need to do anything else. After receiving your booking, Windseeker will send you detailed information on how and when to pay for your journey – together with all the other important details.


What does it mean?

In short: you do not pay the booking amount to Windseeker but instead into an escrow account. This trust account holds your payment in reserve until your journey’s end. The booking amount is then released to Windseeker on the day after your trip ends. If Windseeker or the Ship should become financially insolvent before the end of your trip, STO Garant will implement the guarantee. The Guarantee Scheme details how you can make a claim under the guarantee in such cases. You can read more about this here.