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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

New Orleans (US) - Pitcairn (PN) - Cook Islands (CK)

23 April - 01 August 2018

100 days, Picton Castle

From € 13160,-

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Expedition Oceancrossing Sail Training

Normal price: € 13160,-

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Picton Castle:
New Orleans (US) - Pitcairn (PN) - Cook Islands (CK)

23 April - 01 August 2018

From US South Coast to The Pitcairn Islands and from French Polynesia to Cook Islands, this journey will bring you into an outstandfing adventure. By crossing The Panama Canal you will reach the Pacific Ocean in no time; there, wonderfull landscpaes and tropical islands will await your arrival. Enjoy the intense and warm summer sun on the deck in this epic voyage of over 4 months. Once you’ve reached the Cook Islands, the Ship will continue her journey around the globe. Check out the other parts of this amazing cruise on the website! No sailing experience required, selection process applies. Open for all Windseekers, minimum age 18 years.


New Orleans is in one of the two USA's regions located below the sea level. The city is birthplace of jazz and is well-known for its rich multicultural scene. Take a look at the European architecture in The French Quarter. Go to the Uptown, the city's most historic district. Check out the beautiful sculptures and tombs in one of 42 famous cemeteries. Take part in festivals, visit the museums and music events full of historic heritage.

Cook Islands is an island country in the Pacific Ocean, and an associated state of New Zealand. With the population of about 20,000 people and 100,000 visitors each year Cook Islands' main income comes from tourism. Relax on one of the many beautiful beaches and lagoons, challenge yourself by climbing Te Rua Manga or take a stroll in the shades of Maire Nui Botanical Gardens. For full immersion in the local culture take part in Sunday service at the Christian Church - in Maori language.

  • New Orleans (US)

  • Cook Islands (CK)


Key points

  • Dates: 23 April 2018 - 1 August 2018
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 18 years
  • Windseekers joining: maximum of 40
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Need to take with you on board: sleeping bags and towels
  • "The wind increased and when we took down some sails, I felt the adrenalin rush through my body."

    Max (17), Germany

You sail on the Picton Castle

Picton Castle sailing all sails
Shipping type: Barque
Homeport: Avatiu, Cook Islands
Date built: 1928
Trainees: 40
Length: 45m
Height of mast: 29,57m
Sail: 1157m2

Deep water, square rigger, ocean voyaging at its best. The barque Picton Castle is known for her international voyages, crossing oceans and a high standard of seamanship training. This 179-foot sailing ship accommodates 52 people, including 12 professional crew members …

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Windseeker logs

  • On the Right Course

    Gulden Leeuw, 2017 Rendez-Vous Tall Ships Regatta

    Atlantic Crossing from Halifax to Le Havre

    – by Anna (mentor's notes)

      Aug 2nd 2017   Second Day at Sea Today we have started hauling a smaller vessel, Peter von Danzig – we are currently expecting to go on motor for 2 days before the race will resume. The evening was much calmer than yesterday …

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  • Sailing back to Ushuaia


    Antartica – Ushuaia

    – by Sally

    We had a great sail to Ushuaia, tacking all the way, Anne-Margaretha, well-heeled over and really showing off. Around the halfway point Heinz called the crew up and down came the fok and up went the storm fok. This added …

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  • Dolphins
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