Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!
Tall Ships Races @nl
25 : € 415,-
> 25 : € 520,-
28 July - 01 August 2015
Beleef het avontuur van je leven met de Santa Maria Manuel en haar bemanning! Je zeilt mee op de tweede leg van de Tall Ships Race 2015 van Kristansand naar Aalborg. Sluit vriendschappen met sail trainees van over de hele wereld. Samen zeilen jullie het schip zo scherp als jullie kunnen over het Skagerrak. De Tall Ships Race is de grootste zeilrace van het jaar, dus zet je schrap en reik naar de finish! Het wordt een reis om nooit meer te vergeten. En eenmaal in Aalborg kun je rekenen op een epische crew party! Voor Windseekers van 15 – 25 jaar (25+ op aanvraag). Extra voorovernachting mogelijk in Kristiansand en evt na-overnachtingen in Aalborg 50/60 EUR p.p.p.n.
"I conquered the fear of climbing up high."
Vega Gamleby
Date – 14/07/18 Watch / Trainees – 8-12 – Chris Dow and Cecilie Olsen We woke up at 8 am British time, then at 8:15 am we gathered in the galley as breakfast was served. Shortly after breakfast, during a minor briefing, we …
Read logVega Gamleby
Gothenburg - Blyth - Gothenburg
Logbook trainees Vega Gamleby 2016 Gothenburg-Blyth-Gothenburg Part 3: 27-31 August 27-August-2016: Linda Today was one of the best days in my life. The whole crew played volleyball on the beach. Then be mice for the crew parade and we WON! Yeah! So now I will …
Read log18 April - 21 April 2025
Embark on a captivating Easter weekend journey aboard the Eendracht. Sail out of Rotterdam and explore the scenic coast of the Netherlands. Leave the daily worries behind, and disconnect for a few days, enjoying the peacefulness of life at sea. …
22 April - 19 July 2025
One voyage, two oceans, and countless unforgettable experiences! Join the Picton Castle as it sails from Nova Scotia, Canada, to the iconic Galapagos Islands, with stops in the Caribbean gems of Anguilla and Bonaire, and a passage through the Panama …
22 April - 28 May 2026
Embark on a 400-day journey of a lifetime aboard the Picton Castle, sailing from Canada down the North American coast, through the Panama Canal, and onward to the numerous enchanting islands of the Pacific, all the way to Tahiti. From …