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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Ponta Delgada, Azores (PT) - Brest (FR)

17 July - 28 July 2025

11 days, Stad Amsterdam

From € 1125,-

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Sail Training

With ING Puntenwinkel: € 1125,-
15-25 in a 3-person cabin: € 2250,-

Book this journey

Stad Amsterdam:
Ponta Delgada, Azores (PT) - Brest (FR)

17 July - 28 July 2025

*Journey in partnership with ING Puntenwinkel * For young Windseekers aged 15-25* Wil je deze zomer iets unieks beleven? Zeil dan mee op de Clipper Stad Amsterdam! Je hoeft geen zeilervaring te hebben, maar je mag wel meehelpen het schip te varen onderweg! Je reist op eigen gelegenheid naar Ponta Delgada op São Miguel een eiland in de Azoren, waar je welkom wordt geheten aan boord. Nadat je gesetteld bent in je hut, krijg je uitleg over het schip. Vervolgens zal het schip afreizen naar Brest. Naast een fantastische ervaring op zee, leer je niet alleen wat over hoe het nou werkt op zo’n groot zeilschip, maar maak je ook nieuw vrienden en ontwikkel je skills zoals samenwerken en communiceren. Of leer je angsten te overwinnen als je het aandurft om de ra’s in te klimmen!


Ponta Delgada is the capital of the Azores - a Portuguese archipelago in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It's located on the São Miguel Island. The city dates back to the 15th century, when a fishing village was first established in the area. The beautiful architecture makes Ponta Delgada a charming place to walk through. Spend some time discovering the City Gates and the City Hall, before relaxing in the Campo de São Francisco square. Don't miss the magnificent botanical garden!

Brest is a major French port on the Atlantic coast, historically of strategic importance. Much of the town was destroyed during World War II, but some historic landmarks remain. Today Brest is an important navy port, so expect to see war ships berthed in the harbor. Every four years, Brest hosts the international festival of the sea, boats and sailors, with many Tall Ships attending. South of Brest you will find national park d’Armorique, a tranquil reserve where you can escape from the city.

  • Ponta Delgada, Azores (PT)

  • Brest (FR)


Key points

  • For information about the discount email robbert@windseeker.org
  • Dates: 17 July 2025 - 28 July 2025
  • Embarkation: 17:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers aged 15-25
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • All diets possible: let us know about special requirements at booking
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • All bedding and towels are provided on board
  • "It was the most amazing thing I have done so far in my life! I loved it!"

    Agnes (16)

You sail on the Stad Amsterdam

Shipping type: Clipper
Homeport: Amsterdam (NL)
Date built: 2000
Length: 76 m
Height of mast: 46,25 m
Sail: 2200 m2

A modern Clipper. Imagine yourself on a 19th century clipper when you board Stad Amsterdam, a modern version of the fast merchant ships of bygone days. The 60 metre long wooden deck, the high masts, the many yards and hundreds …

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Windseeker logs

  • Making Waves – Vega Gamleby Trainee Logbook

    Vega Gamleby, 15/07 to 04/08 2019


    – by Trainees


    Read log
  • Clean Circle Navigators 2019: plastic research

    – by Maarten Erich, Science Coordinator of By The Ocean We Unite & Anna Gudarowska, Windseeker

    In 2019 Windseeker teamed up with By the Ocean we Unite (now: The Ocean Movement) for the first time. In the summer 148 Windseekers took part in the first Sustainable Sailing journeys (now: Clean Circle Navigators) on four Tall Ships. …

    Read log


  • Trainee
  • Sørlandet
  • Sørlandet


STO Garant

This Journey is covered by the STO Garant guarantee. You can find the conditions for this guarantee scheme on STO Garant’s website (www.sto-garant.nl/en/downloads).

This process is automatic and you do not need to do anything else. After receiving your booking, Windseeker will send you detailed information on how and when to pay for your journey – together with all the other important details.


What does it mean?

In short: you do not pay the booking amount to Windseeker but instead into an escrow account. This trust account holds your payment in reserve until your journey’s end. The booking amount is then released to Windseeker on the day after your trip ends. If Windseeker or the Ship should become financially insolvent before the end of your trip, STO Garant will implement the guarantee. The Guarantee Scheme details how you can make a claim under the guarantee in such cases. You can read more about this here.