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Join a sailing adventure on a Tall Ship and set course for new horizons!

Porto - Tangier

17 November - 22 November 2015

5 days, Stad Amsterdam

From € 695,-

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Sail Training

personscabin (p.p.p.): € 695,-
> personscabin (p.p.p.): € 1042,5

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Stad Amsterdam:
Porto - Tangier

17 November - 22 November 2015

The first night of your stay on board the Clipper Stad Amsterdam will be spent in Leixoes, the harbor of Porto. You will have time to acquaint yourself with our ship, our crew and muse about new impressions. The next morning the voyage south will continue and we will set sail to Tangier, one of the oldest cities in Morocco. The city is located on the North African coast at the western entrance to the Strait of Gibraltar where the Mediterranean Sea meets the Atlantic Ocean. On this sailing trip the distance is approximately 435 nautical miles and the average speed about 5,5 knots. Arrival in Tangier will be on Saturday evening and you will have the opportunity to explore this beautiful city that night. Open for all ages, minimum age 15 years.


Key points

  • Dates: 17 November 2015 - 22 November 2015
  • Embarkation: 17:00 / Disembarkation: 10:00
  • For Windseekers of all ages, minimum age 15 years
  • Windseekers joining: 30
  • No sailing experience required!
  • Official language on board: English
  • Price includes: accommodation and meals, excludes drinks at the bar
  • Price excludes transportation costs to-and from the ports. Our travel counsellor can advise you and book your transfers
  • One-off registration fee €25
  • Windseekers need to have a health insurance and a travel insurance
  • Contact your fellow-Windseekers via Windseeker facebook
  • "It was an absolute joy to steer for hours when the wind was blowing, and even when it was completely dead. I loved to see the sea, I loved the silence of the ocean."

    Barnabas (22), Hungary

You sail on the Stad Amsterdam

Shipping type: Clipper
Homeport: Amsterdam (NL)
Date built: 2000
Length: 76 m
Height of mast: 46,25 m
Sail: 2200 m2

A modern Clipper. Imagine yourself on a 19th century clipper when you board Stad Amsterdam, a modern version of the fast merchant ships of bygone days. The 60 metre long wooden deck, the high masts, the many yards and hundreds …

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Windseeker logs

  • Trainees at the Vega Gamleby

    The most spectacular theatrical performance Mother Nature had to offer

    Vega Gamleby

    Gothenburg - Blyth - Gothenburg

    – by the Trainees

    Logbook trainees Vega Gamleby 2016 Gothenburg-Blyth-Gothenburg Part 3: 27-31 August   27-August-2016: Linda Today was one of the best days in my life. The whole crew played volleyball on the beach. Then be mice for the crew parade and we WON! Yeah! So now I will …

    Read log
  • A busy and productive day at sea

    Gulden Leeuw, July 2015


    – by Trainees Charlotte and Pernille

    Charlotte (26), UK We were lucky as a watch this morning and didn’t go on sail watch until 8 a.m. Some people had to get up to make breakfast but the rest of us enjoyed our lie-in and were bright-eyed and …

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